If not for President Franklin Roosevelt, which of the following would most likely NOT have occurred?

A- Hoovervilles
B- creation of the FDIC
C- World War II
D- stock market crash

B- creation of the FDIC.

If not for President Franklin Roosevelt, the event that would most likely NOT have occurred is:

D- Stock market crash

The stock market crash, also known as Black Tuesday, occurred on October 29, 1929, which was before Roosevelt became President. It marked the beginning of the Great Depression, which was a severe economic downturn that lasted throughout the 1930s. While President Roosevelt helped to address and mitigate the effects of the Great Depression, he did not directly cause the stock market crash.

To determine which of the options would most likely NOT have occurred if not for President Franklin Roosevelt, we can examine the historical context and his actions during the relevant period.

Hoovervilles: Hoovervilles were makeshift communities of shanty towns that emerged during the Great Depression. They were named after President Herbert Hoover, who was in office before Franklin Roosevelt. Therefore, if not for President Franklin Roosevelt, it is unlikely that the existence of Hoovervilles would be influenced by his absence. Consequently, option A - Hoovervilles would most likely NOT have occurred because it can be attributed more to President Hoover's presidency.

Creation of the FDIC: The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) was established as part of the New Deal reforms implemented by President Franklin Roosevelt in response to the banking crisis of the Great Depression. The creation of the FDIC was a direct intervention by Roosevelt's administration to restore public confidence in the banking system and protect depositors' money. Therefore, without President Roosevelt, it is unlikely that the FDIC would have been established. This option is less likely to have occurred without Franklin Roosevelt.

World War II: The onset of World War II cannot be solely attributed to President Franklin Roosevelt. The conflict was instigated primarily by global tensions, territorial disputes, and the rise of aggressive regimes such as Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. While Roosevelt's policies and decisions certainly played a significant role in the American involvement in the war, it is unlikely that the absence of any single person, including Roosevelt, would have prevented the occurrence of World War II. Therefore, this option is less likely to be influenced by Franklin Roosevelt.

Stock market crash: The stock market crash of 1929, which led to the Great Depression, occurred before President Franklin Roosevelt took office. It happened during President Herbert Hoover's administration. Consequently, the stock market crash cannot be attributed to or prevented by Franklin Roosevelt. Therefore, this option is unrelated to his presidency.

Based on the analysis above, the most likely answer is option A - Hoovervilles. If not for President Franklin Roosevelt, it is least likely that Hoovervilles would have occurred.