At the time this speech was given what was the most serious of the quote unquote clouds referred to by nehr

A. British rule over India
B. Conflict caused by partitions
C. the assassination of Gandhi
D. Sikh separatism

C. the assassination of Gandhi

To determine the most serious "cloud" referred to by Nehru in his speech, we need to consider the context and content of the speech. Unfortunately, the speech you are referring to, and its specific details, have not been mentioned in your question. Could you please provide more information or specify the speech you are referring to?

To determine the most serious "cloud" referred to by Nehru in the given speech, we need to analyze the options provided.

A. British rule over India: This refers to the period when India was under British colonial rule. While British rule was a significant issue for India, it was gradually being addressed through movements for independence, so it might not be the most serious "cloud" mentioned by Nehru in this specific speech.

B. Conflict caused by partitions: This refers to the partition of India in 1947, which led to widespread violence and displacement along religious lines. While this was a serious issue, it is important to evaluate if it was the most serious "cloud" according to the given context.

C. The assassination of Gandhi: This refers to the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most prominent leaders of India's independence movement. The assassination of someone of Gandhi's stature is undoubtedly a significant event, but again, we need to consider if it was the primary focus in Nehru's speech.

D. Sikh separatism: This refers to the demand for an independent Sikh state, specifically referencing the Khalistan movement. While this was a serious issue during the late 20th century, it may not have been the most central concern of Nehru's speech.

To determine the most serious "cloud" referred to by Nehru, it is necessary to read the speech in question or look for additional context. Nehru delivered various speeches throughout his political career, and the seriousness of the clouds may have differed depending on the time and circumstances. Take this into consideration when analyzing the significance of the clouds mentioned.