Lamar is rolling a die and recording what number he gets each time. He rolls the die 250 times and records his results in the table. Are the outcomes equally likely?

A No, because the probabilities don't add up to 1
B No, because the probability of each outcome are not relatively close to one another
C Yes, because the probabilities add up to 1.
D Yes, because the probability of each outcome is approximately the same.

D Yes, because the probability of each outcome is approximately the same.

B No, because the probability of each outcome are not relatively close to one another.

To determine whether the outcomes of rolling a die 250 times are equally likely, we can calculate the probabilities and compare them.

Since a die has 6 sides numbered 1 to 6, there are 6 possible outcomes. Each outcome has an equal chance of occurring when rolling a fair die, meaning the probability of rolling each number is 1/6.

To find the probability of each outcome occurring, we divide the number of times each number appears in Lamar's recorded results by the total number of rolls (250). If the probabilities of each outcome are relatively close to 1/6, then the outcomes can be considered equally likely.

Let's calculate the probabilities for each outcome:

- Count the number of times each number appears in Lamar's recorded results.
- Divide the count for each number by 250 to get the probability of that number occurring.

After calculating the probabilities, if the probabilities are relatively close to 1/6 for each outcome, then the correct answer would be:

D. Yes, because the probability of each outcome is approximately the same.

If the probabilities are not relatively close to 1/6 for each outcome, then the correct answer would be:

B. No, because the probability of each outcome are not relatively close to one another.