Which event happens after a dipole moment in a molecule?

a) Solar radiation is absorbed by the molecule.

b) The molecule vibrates and releases infrared energy.

c) Positive and negative charges in the molecule are imbalanced temporarily.

d) The molecule is stretched and bent.

c) Positive and negative charges in the molecule are imbalanced temporarily.

The event that happens after a dipole moment in a molecule is option c) Positive and negative charges in the molecule are imbalanced temporarily.

To determine the correct answer, let's understand the concept of a dipole moment in a molecule and the subsequent events that can occur.

A dipole moment arises in a molecule when there is an electronegativity difference between its constituent atoms. This happens when one atom attracts electrons more strongly than the other, resulting in a partially positive (δ+) and a partially negative (δ-) charge within the molecule.

Now, let's analyze the given options:

a) Solar radiation is absorbed by the molecule: The absorption of solar radiation is generally unrelated to dipole moments. Therefore, it is unlikely to be the event that occurs after a dipole moment in a molecule.

b) The molecule vibrates and releases infrared energy: This option refers to a process known as vibrational relaxation. When a molecule possesses a dipole moment, it can experience vibrational excitation due to external factors like collisions or absorption of energy. As a result, the molecule can release energy in the form of infrared (IR) radiation. This phenomenon is a valid event that can occur after the establishment of a dipole moment.

c) Positive and negative charges in the molecule are imbalanced temporarily: Imbalance of positive and negative charges occurs when a dipole moment is present in a molecule. However, this imbalance happens simultaneously with the establishment of the dipole moment, and it is not an event that follows afterward.

d) The molecule is stretched and bent: This option refers to molecular geometry and is unrelated to dipole moments. Molecular shape can affect the presence and magnitude of dipole moments, but it does not occur after the establishment of a dipole moment.

Therefore, the correct answer is b) The molecule vibrates and releases infrared energy, which is the event that happens after a dipole moment in a molecule.