peter drew a scale drawing of is room with a length of 10 inches.the actual length of his room is 13 1/9 feet.the actual length of his desk is 40 inches.approximately what is the length of the desk in the drawing

We can set up a proportion:

10 inches (drawing) is to x inches (desk length in drawing) as 13 1/9 feet (actual length) is to 40 inches (actual desk length)

10/x = 13 1/9 / 40

First, we need to convert 13 1/9 feet to inches. We know that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches, so:

13 feet = 13 x 12 = 156 inches
1/9 foot = (1/9) x 12 = 4/3 inches
Total: 156 + 4/3 = 157 1/3 inches

Now we can substitute in:

10/x = 157 1/3 / 40

Solving for x:

x = 10 x 40 / 157 1/3

x ≈ 2.55 inches

So the approximate length of the desk in the drawing is 2.55 inches.

whats 2.55 in fraction form

2.55 as a fraction is 255/100, which can be simplified to 51/20.

To find the length of the desk in the drawing, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

Actual length of the room: 13 1/9 feet
Length of the drawing: 10 inches

Actual length of the desk: 40 inches
Let's call the length of the desk in the drawing 'x' inches.

The proportion can be set up as follows:

(actual length of the room) / (actual length of the desk) = (length of the drawing) / (length of the desk in the drawing)

(13 1/9 feet) / (40 inches) = (10 inches) / (x inches)

To solve this proportion for 'x', we can cross-multiply and solve for 'x':

(13 1/9 feet) * (x inches) = (40 inches) * (10 inches)

To solve units in different measurements, we need to convert feet to inches. Since 1 foot equals 12 inches, we can convert 13 1/9 feet to inches by multiplying it by 12:

13 1/9 feet * 12 inches/foot = 157 inches

So the proportion becomes:

157 inches / (40 inches) = (10 inches) / (x inches)

Now we can solve for 'x' by cross-multiplying:

157 inches * x inches = (40 inches) * (10 inches)

Simplifying further:

157x = 400

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 157:

x = 400 / 157 = 2.55 inches (approximately)

Therefore, the approximate length of the desk in the drawing is 2.55 inches.