How does 39.4 compare to 39.04?

39.4 is greater than 39.04.

To compare the numbers 39.4 and 39.04, follow these steps:

Step 1: Compare the whole number parts:
- The whole number part of 39.4 is 39.
- The whole number part of 39.04 is also 39.

Step 2: If the whole number parts are the same, compare the decimal parts:
- The decimal part of 39.4 is 0.4.
- The decimal part of 39.04 is 0.04.

Step 3: The number with the larger decimal part is considered to be greater.
- In this case, 0.4 is larger than 0.04.

- Therefore, 39.4 is greater than 39.04.

To compare the numbers 39.4 and 39.04 and determine which one is bigger, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Look at the integral part of each number. In this case, both numbers have an integral part of 39.

Step 2: Compare the decimal parts. The decimal part of 39.4 is 0.4, while the decimal part of 39.04 is 0.04.

Step 3: Since 0.4 is greater than 0.04, we can conclude that 39.4 is bigger than 39.04.

Therefore, 39.4 is greater than 39.04.