which of the following best accounts for the number of southern votes cast for Johnson's impeachment?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, according to historical records and analysis, the number of southern votes cast for Johnson's impeachment was low due to several factors such as political alignment, loyalty to former Confederacy, and resentment towards Reconstruction policies imposed by the Republican Party. Additionally, many Southern Democrats viewed Johnson as an ally against the Republican Party and were hesitant to support his impeachment.

There are several factors that contributed to the number of southern votes cast for Johnson's impeachment. Here are a few key factors to consider:

1. Radical Republican Control: The Radical Republicans, who sought to impose stricter reconstruction policies on the southern states, held significant political power during this period. Many of them were strongly in favor of impeaching Johnson, and their control over Congress played a role in the number of southern votes cast against him.

2. Reconstruction Policies: Johnson's lenient policies towards the southern states and lack of support for civil rights for freed slaves angered many Republicans, both northern and southern. However, the southern states had a particular interest in maintaining their power and autonomy, which made them more resistant to the changes imposed by the federal government.

3. Political Climate: The political climate of the time was highly charged and turbulent. The wounds of the Civil War were still fresh, and there was significant division between the northern and southern states. This division was reflected in Congress and influenced the number of southern votes cast for Johnson's impeachment.

4. Personal Loyalties: Individual loyalties and political alliances played a role in the number of southern votes cast for impeachment. Some politicians in the southern states had personal grievances against Johnson or saw political advantages in supporting his impeachment.

It is important to note that Johnson survived impeachment by a narrow margin, with only a few southern votes in support of impeachment.

To determine which of the following best accounts for the number of southern votes cast for Johnson's impeachment, we would need to know the options you are considering. Could you please provide me with the options so that I can help you?