What is the largest change in the energy industry's emissions in Oklahoma from 1995 to 2015?

1. Gases that contribute to smog increased.

2. Greenhouse gas emissions decreased.

3. Greenhouse gas emissions increased.

4. Gases that contribute to smog decreased.

3. Greenhouse gas emissions increased.

Why is oil considered a fossil fuel?

1. It is used to provide electricity.

2. It was formed from ancient plants and animal remains.

3. It is nonrenewable energy resource.

4. It is found far below the ground.

2. It was formed from ancient plants and animal remains.

To find the answer to this question, you would need to compare the energy industry's emissions in Oklahoma in 1995 and 2015 for both gases that contribute to smog and greenhouse gases. By examining the changes in these emissions over the 20-year period, you can determine the largest change.

If the emissions of gases that contribute to smog increased from 1995 to 2015, that would not be the largest change. Similarly, if the emissions of gases that contribute to smog decreased, that would also not be the largest change.

In option 2, if greenhouse gas emissions decreased, this would indicate a change in the energy industry's emissions in Oklahoma. However, it does not specify whether this decrease is the largest change.

In option 3, if greenhouse gas emissions increased, that would be a change, but it does not specify whether this increase is the largest change.

Therefore, the answer to the question is not clear based solely on the given options. You would need additional data or information to determine the largest change in the energy industry's emissions in Oklahoma from 1995 to 2015.