1. What is a smooth material?

2. State four difference between a hard material and a smooth material

1. A smooth material is a material that has a uniform and even surface without any roughness or irregularities.

2. Four differences between a hard material and a smooth material are:

- Hardness: A hard material is one that is resistant to being scratched or indented, whereas a smooth material does not necessarily imply a particular level of hardness.
- Texture: A hard material might have a rough or uneven texture, whereas a smooth material always has a consistent, uniform texture.
- Friction: A hard material might generate more friction than a smooth material due to its roughness, whereas a smooth material generates less friction due to its evenness.
- Resistance to wear and tear: A hard material might be more resistant to wear and tear, whereas a smooth material might be more prone to wear and tear if it is not made of durable materials.