To reach her goal of buying a new bike, Marsha will need to save $10 each week.

To reach her goal of buying a new bike each week, Marsha will need to save $10.

In three to five sentences, explain how the placement of the italicized phrase changes the meaning of the sentence.

(4 points)

The placement of the italicized phrase changes the meaning of the sentence from Marsha needing to save $10 each week to reach her goal of buying a new bike, to Marsha needing to save $10 each week in order to buy a new bike each week. The first sentence implies that Marsha is saving for one bike, while the second sentence suggests that Marsha wants to purchase a new bike every week. This changes the overall amount Marsha would need to save and the frequency of her bike purchases.

In the first sentence, the placement of the italicized phrase "each week" after "save $10" implies that Marsha should save $10 every week in order to achieve her goal of buying a new bike eventually. It gives a sense of time and consistency in saving money.

On the other hand, in the second sentence, the placement of "each week" after "buying a new bike" suggests that Marsha wants to buy a new bike every week. For her to do that, she needs to save $10 for each new purchase.

Thus, the different placements of the italicized phrase lead to different meanings: the first sentence is about a single-time goal, while the second refers to a recurring goal.

The placement of the italicized phrase "each week" changes the meaning of the sentence. In the first sentence, it indicates that Marsha needs to save $10 on a weekly basis to reach her goal of buying a new bike. This implies that she needs to save $10 every week consistently until she reaches her goal. In the second sentence, the phrase is placed at the end, suggesting that Marsha needs to save $10 specifically for buying a new bike each week. This implies that she may have other expenses or savings goals but needs to allocate $10 specifically for a new bike on a weekly basis.

The placement of the italicized phrase changes the meaning of the sentence by altering the timeframe in which Marsha needs to save money. In the first sentence, it indicates that Marsha needs to save $10 each week in order to reach her goal of buying a new bike. This implies an ongoing process of saving money over time. In the second sentence, the italicized phrase suggests that Marsha needs to save $10 every week specifically for the purpose of buying a new bike. This implies that the saving is directly tied to the goal of purchasing a bike, rather than being a general savings habit.