Use the graph to answer the question. What led to the increase in steel consumption seen on the graph?

1 point
Captionless Image
More people started mining steel that are sold outside of the country.
Steel consumption increased when more people started to use computers.
More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.
Fossil fuels that became popular depends on steel production.

More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.

More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.

Sea level is rising.


It is absorbed and heats the atmosphere.

Use the graph to answer the question.

What lead to the increase in the steel consumption seen on the graph?

Fossil fuels that became popular depends on steel production.
Fossil fuels that became popular depends on steel production.

More people started mining steel that are sold outside of the country.
More people starting mining steel that are sold outside of the country.

Steel consumption increased when more people started to use computers.
Steel consumption increased when more people started to use computers.

More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.
More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.

Which can be excluded from the list of environmental impacts of mining?

Sea level is rising
Sea level is rising

Habitats are destroyed
Habitats are destroyed

Harmful gases are released
Harmful gases are released

Water is polluted
Water is polluted

Which energy source releases the most carbon dioxide?





What happens to infrared radiation released by the Earth if there is an increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

It is converted to solar energy.
It is converted to solar energy.

It escapes and cools and heats the atmosphere.
It escapes and cools and heats the atmosphere.

It is absorbed and heats the atmosphere.
It is absorbed and heats the atmosphere.

It is converted to carbon dioxide.
It is converted to carbon dioxide.

With such huge increases in population, why has there not been a direct and equivalent increase in urban development (I.e., why is ut such a small proportion of habitable land use)?

Habitable land is already being used for livestock and crops.
Habitable land is already being used for livestock and crops.

People want to live close to where they work, which is usually the city or suburbs.
People want to live close to where they work, which is usually the city or suburbs.

Many people can live in small spaces, such as high rises in cities.
Many people can live in small spaces, such as high rises in cities.

There is not enough habitable land left for further urban development.
There is not enough habitable land left for further urban development.

There is not enough habitable land left for further urban development.

In almost all chains of consequences, what happens over time as the consequences unfold?

Consequences Increase in size and scale and become longer lasting.
Consequences. Increase in size and scale and become longer lasting.

Consequences Decrease in size and scale and become short term.
Consequences Decrease in size and scale and become short term.

Consequences spread through the area like a ripple effect, starting in the center and radiating outward.
Consequences spread through the area like a ripple effect, starting in the center and radiating outward.

Consequences Travel from one type of habitat to another, until multiple habitats are affected.
Consequences Travel from one type of habitat to another, until multiple habitats are affected.

Consequences Increase in size and scale and become longer lasting.

Which change overtime in landsat Maps would most likely be associated with contaminated water habitats nearby?

Green areas replaced with yellow areas.
Green areas replaced with yellow areas.

Increased size of gray areas.
Increased size of gray areas.

Increased size of dark green areas.
Increased size of dark green areas.

Gray areas replaced with light green areas.
Gray areas replaced with light cream areas.

Increased size of gray areas.

Which human activity can result in the heat island effect?

Building green spaces in roof Gardens.
Building green spaces in roof Gardens.

Converting forest to agriculture land.
Converting forest to agriculture land.

Covering the ground with concrete and pavement.
Covering the ground with concrete and pavement.

Using habitable land for pasture land.
Using habitable land for pasture land.

Covering the ground with concrete and pavement.

In three to five sentences, describe two impacts of obtaining nonrenewable resources and how these have been affected by increasing population.

In three to five sentences, describe two impacts of obtaining nonrenewable resources and how these have been affect by increasing population.

One impact of obtaining nonrenewable resources is the increase in pollution as harmful gases and waste are produced during extraction and processing. With the increasing population, the demand for nonrenewable resources also increases, leading to further pollution and environmental degradation. Another impact is the depletion of finite resources, such as fossil fuels, which are being used at a faster rate than they can be replenished. This depletion is exacerbated by the increasing population and rise in energy consumption.

In order to expand agriculture and simulate a sagging economy, the Brazilian government eased environmental laws which allowed large tracts of rainforest to be cut down or burned. In three to five sentences, construct a potential chain of consequences for what can happen as a result of this kind of deforestation. The chain does not have to be linear (I.e., five steps in a row) but can have several branches, one for each different potential consequence. Your chain should include at least four steps, including the original event.

The destruction of large tracts of rainforest in Brazil can result in diverse and complex consequences. Firstly, deforestation releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. This change in climate conditions can impact local wildlife, plants, and leading to the extinction of species and loss of biodiversity. Furthermore, deforestation removes the trees that absorb water from the soil, reducing the ground's ability to store water and leading to soil erosion, floods, and landslides. This loss of habitat and soil fertility can also negatively impact humans living in the area, who depend on the forest for their livelihoods.

In three to five sentences, describe how a person can reduce consumption of natural resources when drinking water. Assume that there is no change in the amount of water consumed and that the change is only the way water is produced.

A person can reduce the consumption of natural resources when drinking water by using a reusable water bottle instead of disposable plastic water bottles. This reduces the amount of plastic waste generated and the resources needed to produce and recycle them. Additionally, using a water filter at home can eliminate the need for bottled water, reducing the energy and resources needed to produce and transport it. Lastly, people can also reduce water waste by turning off the tap while brushing their teeth or shaving, fixing any leaks in plumbing systems, and using water-efficient appliances and fixtures.

Use the scenario to answer the question.

A city planner is designing a new apartment complex. The complex will have several apartment building as well as a paved parking area for residents.

In one to two sentences, describe two ways the planner can help minimize the human impact of the apartment complex on the environment.

The planner can help minimize the human impact of the apartment complex on the environment by incorporating green spaces such as trees, shrubs, and plants that will help reduce carbon dioxide, provide shading, and absorb rainwater. Additionally, they can incorporate water-efficient appliances and fixtures in each apartment and building to reduce water waste.