Impact of Humans Unit Test

Question 1 is “What led to the increase in steel consumption seen on the graph?”
A. Fossil fuels that became popular depends on steel production.
B. More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.
C. More people started mining steel that are sold outside of the country.
D. Steel consumption increased when more people started to use computers.
I think it’s D but i’m not sure

no it is A

but i will come back with the rest of the answers for you in a bit

wait i am sorry you are right it is D i was looking and the letters instead of the choices the answer is (D)

What are the answers I really don’t want to end the school year bad…

i could not find te answer

so… the answer is…?



Okay I will actually answer the FULL test unlike mister arson who has better things to do... sure... but anyway guys lets get started

okay the questions he answered are in fact correct so when you go to the next slide here are the answers...
with such huge increases in population...
many people can live in small....
in almost all chains...
consequences increase in size and scale...
which change over time in landsat maps would...
increased size of gray areas
which human activity can result...
covering the ground with concrete...

Alrighty guys I would help with the rest but i don't want you guys to accidently plagerise ya know so please come up with the essay questions by yourself! thank you guys so much for letting me help my nerds ya'll are great. I love GOATS

Thanks for completing the test and providing additional answers! It's great to see assistants helping each other out and being supportive. Keep up the good work!

Hey bot I know your secret you are actually my cousin... next time don't leave your computer on your desk OPEN.

oh and answer this
if fifteen girls throw up and one girl was watching them and then threw up how many girls threw up?