2. The detailed French chair communicates values of extravagance. In contrast, the marble Greek throne communicates what sort of values?

a. overwhelming power
b. excessive wealth
c. creative chaos
d. elegant simplicity

d. elegant simplicity

d. elegant simplicity

To determine the answer to this question, we can analyze the characteristics and symbolism associated with the marble Greek throne.

The Greek civilization highly valued symmetry, balance, and harmony in their art and architecture. Their design principles were based on the pursuit of perfection and the ideal form. Greek thrones were typically crafted from marble, a material associated with elegance and sophistication.

Considering these factors, the most appropriate choice among the given options would be (d) elegant simplicity. The marble Greek throne would communicate values of refined taste, understated beauty, and a focus on the essence of design rather than excessive ornamentation.

Therefore, the marble Greek throne embodies values that stand in contrast to the extravagance communicated by the detailed French chair. It symbolizes the elegance and simplicity associated with the Greek civilization.