It cost Fawzia $12.00 to send 80 text messages. How many text messages did she send if she spent $19.95?

We can start by finding out how much it cost Fawzia per text message.

Cost per text message = Total cost ÷ Number of text messages

Cost per text message = $12.00 ÷ 80 = $0.15

Now we can use this information to find out how many text messages Fawzia sent for $19.95.

Number of text messages = Total cost ÷ Cost per text message

Number of text messages = $19.95 ÷ $0.15 = 133

Therefore, Fawzia sent 133 text messages if she spent $19.95.

To find out how many text messages Fawzia sent if she spent $19.95, we can set up a proportion.

Let's set up the proportion:

Cost of 80 text messages / Number of text messages = Total cost / Number of text messages

$12.00 / 80 messages = $19.95 / x

Cross multiplying, we get:

$12.00 * x = 80 messages * $19.95

Simplifying, we have:

$12.00 * x = $1596.00

Dividing both sides by $12.00, we find:

x = $1596.00 / $12.00

x = 133.00

So, Fawzia sent 133 text messages if she spent $19.95.

To find out how many text messages Fawzia sent if she spent $19.95, we need to determine the cost per text message.

First, we need to calculate the cost per text message using the given information that it cost her $12.00 to send 80 text messages.

Cost per text message = Total cost / Total text messages

Cost per text message = $12.00 / 80

Cost per text message = $0.15

Now that we know the cost per text message, we can work backward to find out the number of text messages she sent with a total cost of $19.95.

Number of text messages = Total cost / Cost per text message

Number of text messages = $19.95 / $0.15

Number of text messages = 133

Therefore, Fawzia sent 133 text messages if she spent $19.95.