Which phrase describes point of view?(1 point)


the perspective a story is told from
the perspective a story is told from

the retelling of a story using different words
the retelling of a story using different words

the feeling or attitude associated with a word
the feeling or attitude associated with a word

the descriptive words used to tell about a character

the perspective a story is told from

The phrase that describes point of view is "the perspective a story is told from".

The phrase that describes point of view is "the perspective a story is told from." This refers to the vantage point or position from which a story is narrated. It determines what information is revealed to the reader and how it is presented. To determine the point of view of a story, you can consider who is telling the story, their relationship to the events and characters, and whether they are a participant or observer. By analyzing the narrative elements, such as pronouns, personal opinions, and knowledge of the characters' thoughts and feelings, you can identify the point of view being used in a story.