How do we write address in French

To write an address in French, first write the recipient's name, followed by their street address on the next line. Add the postal code and city on the next line, and finish with the country (if mailing internationally) on the final line. Here is an example:

M. Jean Dupont
12 Rue de la Liberté
75001 Paris

Is there anyway we write address in French. At part from the one you shaw me

Another format used to write an address in French is to start with the recipient's name and then the street address. After the street address, write the postal code and city on the same line with "France" (or the country name if necessary) on the last line. Here's an example:

Mme Marie Dupont
67 Rue des Roses
75002 Paris, France

Note: In France, the postal code comes before the city name, unlike in some other countries where these are reversed. So, it is essential to keep this in mind while writing an address in French.

To write an address in French, you would typically follow these guidelines:

1. Begin with the recipient's name, which is placed on the first line.
2. On the subsequent lines, write the street name and number.
3. On a new line, write the postal code, followed by the city/town name.
4. Finally, write the country name, if necessary.

Here's an example of how you would write an address in French:

Monsieur Jean Dupont
12 Rue de la Paix
75000 Paris

In this example, "Monsieur" is the title for the recipient's name, "Jean Dupont". "Rue de la Paix" is the street name, "75000" is the postal code, "Paris" is the city, and "France" is the country name.