Yinka and okey were 10 years and 12 years respectively if 55 naira was shared between them using the ratio of their age how much did okey get?

The total ratio representing their age is 10+12 = 22

The ratio representing Okey's age is 12/22 = 6/11
Therefore, Okey would get 6/11 * 55 = 30 naira.

To find out how much Okey got, we need to determine the ratio of their ages and then calculate the amount based on that ratio.

Step 1: Calculate the ratio of their ages:
Since Yinka is 10 years old and Okey is 12 years old, the ratio of their ages is 10:12.

Step 2: Determine the total value of the ratio:
To find the total value of the ratio, we add the two parts of the ratio: 10 + 12 = 22.

Step 3: Calculate Okey's share:
To find out how much Okey gets, we divide the total amount by the total value of the ratio and then multiply it by Okey's age:
Okey's share = (55/22) * 12

Step 4: Calculate Okey's share:
Okey's share = 2.5 * 12

Step 5: Calculate Okey's share:
Okey's share = 30

Therefore, Okey received 30 naira.

To find out how much Okey got when the 55 naira was shared between Yinka and Okey using the ratio of their age, here's what you need to do:

1. Calculate the total number of parts in the ratio of their ages:
- Yinka and Okey's ages are given as 10 and 12 years, respectively.
- The ratio of their ages is 10:12.
- Add the two numbers together: 10 + 12 = 22.
- So, the total number of parts in the ratio is 22.

2. Determine the fraction of the total amount that Okey will receive:
- Okey's age is 12, which represents 12 parts out of the total 22 parts.
- Divide Okey's age by the total number of parts: 12 / 22 = 0.5454...
- This fraction represents the share of the total amount that Okey will receive.

3. Calculate the amount Okey will get:
- Multiply the fraction (0.5454...) by the total amount of money: 0.5454... * 55 = 29.9966...
- Rounding to the nearest Naira, Okey will receive about 30 Naira.

Therefore, Okey will get approximately 30 Naira.