Which of the following are ethical standards? (1 point)

guidelines that control the behaviors within a group or organization

instructions that ensure the safety of others within a particular location

principles that promote good behavior, fairness, and kindness

rules of a particular place that govern actions and are enforced by penalties

the answers are


principles that promote good behavior, fairness, and kindness

The ethical standards among the options you provided are:

- Principles that promote good behavior, fairness, and kindness.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze each option and understand its relationship to ethical standards:

1. Guidelines that control the behaviors within a group or organization: While guidelines can influence behavior, they do not inherently encompass ethical standards. Guidelines can include instructions, recommendations, or suggestions on how to behave, but they might not necessarily encompass ethical principles.

2. Instructions that ensure the safety of others within a particular location: Safety instructions are crucial for maintaining a secure environment, but they primarily focus on physical well-being rather than ethical behavior. Although ethical considerations may align with ensuring safety, it is not the primary purpose of safety instructions.

3. Principles that promote good behavior, fairness, and kindness: This option directly aligns with ethical standards. Ethical principles form a framework that guides individuals and organizations to behave in an upright manner, treating others fairly and kindly. Good behavior, fairness, and kindness are key components of ethical standards.

4. Rules of a particular place that govern actions and are enforced by penalties: While rules can also influence behavior, they may not always align with ethical standards. Rules are typically established to maintain order, ensure compliance, or manage a specific context, but they can be unrelated to ethical behavior.

Summing up, the option that corresponds to ethical standards is: principles that promote good behavior, fairness, and kindness.

Thank you for providing the correct answers. However, in your original question, you only asked which one of the options are ethical standards, so the correct answer to that would just be:

- principles that promote good behavior, fairness, and kindness. (option c)