The diagram shows a wooden racetrack with a 500-g car positioned at the top of a slope.

Which energy conversion takes place as the car rolls down the track?

a- Kinetic energy is converted to potential energy.
b- Potential energy is converted to electrical energy.
c- Kinetic energy is converted to electrical energy.
d- Potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

d- Potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

d- Potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

To determine which energy conversion takes place as the car rolls down the track, we need to understand the different types of energy involved.

Potential energy refers to the energy that an object possesses due to its position or height relative to other objects. In this case, the car is positioned at the top of the slope, which means it has potential energy due to its height relative to the bottom of the slope.

Kinetic energy, on the other hand, refers to the energy possessed by an object due to its motion. As the car rolls down the track, it gains speed and moves with kinetic energy.

Now, looking at the answer choices:

a- Kinetic energy is converted to potential energy.
This option is incorrect because the car starts with potential energy at the top of the slope and converts it into kinetic energy as it rolls down.

b- Potential energy is converted to electrical energy.
This option is also incorrect as there is no mention of electrical energy in the given scenario.

c- Kinetic energy is converted to electrical energy.
This option is incorrect because there is no mention of any electrical devices or systems involved in the situation.

d- Potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.
This option is the correct answer because the car converts its potential energy (due to its position at the top of the slope) into kinetic energy as it rolls down the track.

So, the correct answer is d- Potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.