1. Which of the following shows the influence of the U.S. Constitution on the Texas

(1 point)
O the executive branch has the most power
O existence of a bill of rights
provisions promoting legislative over judicial power
Oslavery is addressed as a topic

B) Existence of a bill of rights

What was the Framers' goal for both the Texas and United States Constitutions? Select all that apply.

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or goals. However, the goals of the framers of the US Constitution were:

- To establish a government that could effectively govern the newly-formed United States
- To ensure that the government was accountable to the people
- To create a system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful
- To protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, including freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as the right to bear arms and the right to a fair trial.

Similarly, the goals of the framers of the Texas Constitution were:

- To establish a government that could effectively govern the state of Texas
- To ensure that the government was accountable to the people of Texas
- To create a system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful
- To protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, including freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as the right to bear arms and the right to a fair trial.

What was the farmer's goal for both the Texas and United States

constitutions select all the apply
create a fair and just government
give power to the people and laws set themselves apart from the British
limit the rights of it's citizens

The correct options are:

- Create a fair and just government
- Give power to the people and laws set themselves apart from the British

The goal of the framers of both the Texas and United States Constitutions was to establish a government that was fair and just, accountable to the people, and based on the principles of democracy and constitutionalism. They sought to create a system of government that limited the power of those in authority and protected the rights and freedoms of the citizens. It is not accurate to say that the framers of these constitutions aimed to limit the rights of citizens.

What was the farmer's goal for both the Texas and United States

(ANSWER 1)constitutions select all the apply
(ANSWER2)create a fair and just government
(ANSWER3)give power to the people and laws set themselves apart from the British
(ANSWER4)limit the rights of it's citizens

The correct options are:

- Create a fair and just government
- Give power to the people and laws set themselves apart from the British

It is not accurate to say that the framers of the Texas and United States Constitutions aimed to limit the rights of citizens.

only one answer

The goal of the framers of both the Texas and United States Constitutions was to create a fair and just government while giving power to the people and laws that set themselves apart from the British.

Which ideas do the US Constitution and the Texas Constitution of 1845 share

both provide a separation of the government into three banches
both are very specific on the issue of slavery
both give the prominent role of Legislature
both give exclusive law making power to the courts