The formula vw=f⋅λ describes the relationship between the speed of a wave (vw), and its frequency (f) and wavelength (λ).

For example, if a wave has a frequency of 120 Hz and a wavelength of 5m, it would have a speed of 600 m/s.

In one or two sentences, describe what would happen to the frequency of this wave if the wavelength is increased to 10m but the speed stays the same at 600 m/s.

Your answer needs to be revised for full credit. For full credit you needed to include:

What happens to the frequency when the wavelength is increased to 10m (1 point)
How are frequency and wavelength related (1 point)

When the wavelength is increased to 10m but the speed stays the same at 600 m/s, the frequency of the wave will decrease. This is because frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional - as wavelength increases, frequency decreases.

When the wavelength is increased to 10m while the speed of the wave remains at 600 m/s, the frequency of the wave would decrease. Frequency and wavelength are inversely related, meaning that as the wavelength increases, the frequency decreases.

When the wavelength is increased to 10m while the speed remains at 600 m/s, the frequency of the wave would decrease. This is because frequency and wavelength are inversely related, meaning that as the wavelength increases, the frequency decreases.