How can a reader determine bias in a author’s writing?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs, opinions, or biases. However, I can provide some guidelines for readers to determine bias in an author's writing:

1. Identify the author's background - research the author's education, profession, previous works, and affiliations. This information can reveal their potential biases towards a particular ideology, political affiliation, or interest group.

2. Examine the language used - language choice can indicate a bias towards one perspective or the other. Note whether the author is using objective and fact-based language or emotionally charged and subjective language.

3. Identify the sources used - see if the author is relying on credible, reliable sources or opinion-based pieces. Be wary of an author who is using only one-sided sources.

4. Check for omissions and exaggerations - if the author is selectively choosing facts to fit their narrative or exaggerating the significance of certain events, this can indicate a potential bias.

5. Look for moral judgments - observe if the author is making moral judgments or value statements about certain individuals or groups. This can show a bias towards a particular viewpoint or stereotype.

In short, readers should be critical and cautious when assessing an author's work and understand that it may contain some implicit bias.