The petrol is 9.25 L per 100 km and the price of the petrol is R6.72 per litre, what will it cost for petrol to travel from 384 to 628

To find out how much petrol will be needed, we need to calculate the distance to be covered first:

628 - 384 = 244 km

Now we can calculate the amount of petrol needed for this distance:

244 km รท 100 km/L = 2.44 L

So, for the distance of 384 to 628 km, we will need 2.44 litres of petrol.

Now we can find out the cost of this amount of petrol:

2.44 L x R6.72/L = R16.37

Therefore, it will cost R16.37 for petrol to travel from 384 to 628 km.