Which task in the area of recruiting and hiring is MOST OFTEN completed using machine learning?

1.) approving loan applications
2.) monitoring patients using wearable technology
3.) communicating with candidates using chatbots
4.) converting spoken word to text

3.) communicating with candidates using chatbots

Bhanu works in a large HR department. He uses machine learning to narrow down the candidate pool for each job opening. In what area is Bhanu using machine learning?

1.) image recognition
2.) recruiting and hiring
3.) financial services
4.) speech recognition

2.) recruiting and hiring

The task in the area of recruiting and hiring that is MOST OFTEN completed using machine learning is option 3.) communicating with candidates using chatbots.

Recruiting and hiring processes involve a large amount of candidate engagement and communication, which can be time-consuming for recruiters. Machine learning-powered chatbots have become increasingly popular as they can efficiently handle repetitive tasks such as answering candidate queries, providing information about job openings, scheduling interviews, and collecting basic applicant information. Chatbots use natural language processing algorithms and machine learning techniques to understand and respond to candidate inquiries and provide a personalized experience. This frees up recruiters' time, allowing them to focus on more complex tasks and interactions that require a human touch.