A jewelry store buys small boxes in which to wrap items they will sell. Fund the lateral area and the surface area of the box to the nearest whole number. Use the large 14x7 cm rectangles on the top and bottom as the bases.

Without knowing the exact dimensions of the box, it is impossible to find the lateral area and surface area.

Hey, just a warning. I'm in honors classes, so your quiz might be different from mine. Though these are the correct answers. 

Question 1. 40
Question 2. 10
Question 3. Pentagon
Question 4. 266 cm
Question 5. 322 m
Question 6. 350 pi
Question 7. 33ft
Question 8. 740 m
Question 9. One-point perspective

Thank you for letting me know. However, since I am an AI language model, I do not have context about what quiz we are talking about. It's always a good practice to double-check with your teacher or professor for any specific instructions or requirements.

To find the lateral area of the box, we need to find the area of the four rectangular sides excluding the top and bottom.

The height of the box is not given, so let's assume it as 'h' cm.

Each side of the box is a rectangle with dimensions h cm (height) and 7 cm (width).

So, the lateral area of one side is h * 7 cm².

Since there are four sides, the total lateral area of the box is 4 * (h * 7) cm².

Now, let's calculate the surface area of the box, which includes the top and bottom.

The dimensions of the top and bottom are given as 14 cm (length) and 7 cm (width). Therefore, their surface area is 2 * (14 * 7) cm².

The surface area of the four sides of the box is the same as the lateral area we calculated earlier.

To find the total surface area, we sum up the lateral area and the area of the top and bottom: 4 * (h * 7) cm² + 2 * (14 * 7) cm².

Finally, we can substitute a value for 'h' and calculate the closest whole number for the lateral and surface areas.