Why do workers mostly sell their labor?

a. to earn income
b. to grow their productivity
c. to become entrepreneurs
d. to avoid inflation

1. A

2. A, C
3. A

a. to earn income

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Living Cheeto is correct!!

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The correct answer is a. to earn income.

Workers mostly sell their labor in order to earn income. This income allows them to support themselves, provide for their families, and meet their basic needs. By selling their labor, workers receive wages or salaries from employers in exchange for their time, skills, and effort. This income enables workers to meet their financial obligations and have access to goods and services in the market.

To arrive at this answer, we can use reasoning based on common knowledge and economic understanding. Selling labor is a common practice in the job market, where individuals offer their skills and time to employers in exchange for compensation. The primary motive behind this transaction is to earn income, which is crucial for meeting one's needs and sustaining a certain standard of living. Other options such as b. to grow their productivity, c. to become entrepreneurs, and d. to avoid inflation, do not adequately align with the primary motivation for selling labor.