Which verb shows that the action is happening continuously right now?

The students _______ lunch outside on the picnic tables.
a. were eating
b. ate
c. are eating
d. eat

c. are eating

The verb that shows that the action is happening continuously right now is "c. are eating."

The verb that shows that the action is happening continuously right now is the present continuous tense. In this case, the correct verb is "are eating" (option C).

To reach this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb tense you are looking for. Since the question asks for an action happening continuously right now, it corresponds to the present continuous tense.
2. Look at the options provided and determine which verb matches the present continuous tense. The present continuous tense is formed with the auxiliary verb "to be" (in this case, "are") followed by the present participle of the main verb (in this case, "eating").
3. Compare the options:
a. "were eating" is in the past continuous tense, indicating that the action occurred in the past.
b. "ate" is in the simple past tense, indicating a completed action in the past.
c. "are eating" matches the present continuous tense, indicating an ongoing action in the present.
d. "eat" is in the simple present tense, indicating a habitual action or a fact.
4. Based on the comparison, the correct answer is "are eating" (option C) as it matches the present continuous tense, showing that the action is happening continuously right now.