A hot plate of area 0.5m ^ 2 is maintained at a temperature of 60 ^ 0 * C by a 100W

electric heater when room temperature is 30 ^ 0 * C The appropriate convection

coefficient is 0.15 * (Delta*T) ^ (1/3) * W / m * 2K What fraction of the heat supplied is lost

by natural convection? What happens to the rest of the heat supplied?

To calculate the heat lost by natural convection, we first need to determine the rate of heat transfer by convection. Using the given convection coefficient and the temperature difference between the hot plate and the room, we have:

Q_conv = hA(T_hot - T_room)
Q_conv = (0.15*(60-30)^(1/3)*(0.5))(W/m^2*K)(0.5m^2)
Q_conv = 17.24 W

Therefore, the fraction of heat supplied lost by natural convection is:

(17.24 W / 100 W) x 100% = 17.24%

The rest of the heat supplied is likely being transferred by other means, such as conduction through the hot plate to the surrounding air or radiation to other surfaces in the room.

Four topic sentences of climate change and Business

1. Climate change presents a major challenge to businesses across industries and geographies, requiring them to adapt their operations in light of changing environmental conditions and evolving consumer trends.

2. Increasingly, consumers are demanding sustainability and climate action from the companies they engage with, incentivizing firms to pursue eco-friendly practices and green technologies to remain competitive.
3. While businesses have a significant role to play in reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change, they must also prepare for the risks associated with rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and natural resource scarcity.
4. As governments around the world impose stricter regulations and carbon pricing schemes, companies must view climate change not only as a threat, but also as an opportunity to innovate and develop new products and services that meet the demands of a changing market.

In one line

Climate change necessitates that businesses adapt and take action towards eco-friendliness, sustainability, and risk management while also creating opportunities for innovation and development.

In one line each four sentence

1. Businesses must adapt to the challenges of climate change by evolving their operations to meet changing environmental conditions and consumer trends.

2. A shift towards green technologies and eco-friendly practices is increasingly critical as consumers demand sustainability and climate action from companies.
3. Companies must prepare for the risks associated with climate change, including rising temperatures, extreme weather, and resource scarcity, while continuing to reduce carbon emissions.
4. Climate change can be both a threat and an opportunity for businesses, necessitating innovation and development to meet changing market demands while navigating regulatory changes.

Four topic sentence for climate change and Businesses.

Each four sentence in one - one line

1. Businesses face challenges due to climate change, necessitating adaptations to meet changing consumer demands and environmental conditions.

2. Consumers increasingly demand eco-friendly practices and green technologies as a response to climate change.
3. Companies must mitigate risks associated with climate change, such as increased temperatures and natural resource scarcity, while continuing to reduce carbon emissions.
4. Climate change presents both threats and opportunities for businesses, requiring innovation and development to adapt to changing market demands and regulations.

Research topic sentence for climate change and Businesses