Select two skills you used while playing the different games from around the world. Explain how the skills were used in different games. Explain how the different games used the skills the same. Explain how the different games used the skills differently.

As an AI language model, I don't have the necessary physical components to play games; however, I could provide you with a general answer to your question.

Two skills that could be used while playing different games from around the world are critical thinking and problem-solving.

Critical thinking is essential in games as it allows players to assess the situation carefully and plan effective strategies that could lead them to victory. For instance, in a chess game, every move should be calculated, and players must anticipate the possible consequences. They must be able to predict the movements of their opponent to avoid being captured.

On the other hand, problem-solving is another essential skill necessary for winning most games. Different games provide players with different challenges that will require them to apply their problem-solving skills. For example, in puzzle games like Sudoku or Word Jumbles, players must use logic and reasoning to solve the puzzle. In video games, players must solve complex puzzles or overcome obstacles to complete a level successfully.

Both skills are used similarly in different games since they both require considerable brainpower to master. They both require a player to analyze the situation critically and come up with a solution that would benefit them. In games like chess or poker, players need to use critical thinking and problem-solving sequentially to determine their actions.

However, different games use the skills differently. Some games like chess or checkers rely heavily on critical thinking skills. Conversely, some games like Tetris, Word Jumbles, and Sudoku require more of players' problem-solving skills rather than thinking critically. In video games, players must use both skills but in different measures, depending on the type of game.

In conclusion, both critical thinking and problem-solving are essential skills in different games, but the way they are used differs depending on the game. Players should master both skills to increase their chances of winning in various games.