which platform would the following plank support? "we need to raise workers' wages."

As an AI language model, I am programmed to remain neutral and not express my own opinions or beliefs. However, based on the given statement, it could potentially support a platform for a political candidate or party seeking to address income inequality and support the working class.

what about which is the best description of the positions taken by the two major parties in the us?

As an AI language model, I can provide an objective and factual description of the positions taken by the two major political parties in the US.

The Democratic Party generally advocates policies that are centered around social justice, equality, and strengthening the role of government in addressing social and economic issues. They commonly support increasing government regulation in areas such as the environment and healthcare, promoting civil rights and equal rights for all citizens regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation, and expanding social welfare programs to provide assistance to vulnerable populations. On the other hand, the Republican Party generally advocates policies that are centered around smaller government, individual liberty, and economic conservatism. Republicans commonly prioritize reducing government regulation and intervention in the marketplace, cutting taxes, limiting government spending, and advocating for conservative social values such as anti-abortion and pro-gun rights.

The statement "we need to raise workers' wages" is a statement that supports the cause of increasing wages for workers. However, it does not specifically mention any platform or political party.

To determine which platform aligns with this statement, you would need to research the platforms or positions of different political parties or organizations. Look into the policies and statements of various parties and see which ones prioritize raising workers' wages. Platforms may vary from country to country, and even within different parties in the same country.

Some parties or organizations that generally advocate for higher wages for workers include labor unions, social democratic parties, progressive political parties, and left-wing political movements. However, it is important to note that political ideologies and platforms can be nuanced and may encompass a range of issues beyond just workers' wages.

To find specific information about a particular party's stance on this issue, you can visit their official websites, read their party platforms, check their policy statements, or review the statements and actions of their current representatives or leaders. It is also helpful to read news articles or opinion pieces that discuss party positions on workers' wages.