You want to roast marshmallows, so you decide to use a wooden stick because a metal rod is too good at and would get too . Using the campfire to roast your marshmallows, you notice smoke coming up through a current, which transfers the heat from the flames. The toasting of your marshmallows, the gaining of is occurring without touching the flames due to .

You want to roast marshmallows, so you decide to use a wooden stick because a metal rod is too good at conducting heat and would get too hot to handle. Using the campfire to roast your marshmallows, you notice smoke coming up through a convection current, which transfers the heat from the flames. The toasting of your marshmallows, the gaining of heat is occurring without touching the flames due to convection.

You want to roast marshmallows, so you decide to use a wooden stick because a metal rod is too good at conducting heat and would get too hot to handle. Using the campfire to roast your marshmallows, you notice smoke coming up through a convection current, which transfers the heat from the flames. The toasting of your marshmallows, the gaining of heat, is occurring without touching the flames due to convection.

You want to roast marshmallows, so you decide to use a wooden stick because a metal rod conducts heat too well and would get too hot to hold. Using the campfire to roast your marshmallows, you notice smoke coming up through an upward current, which transfers the heat from the flames. The toasting of your marshmallows, the gaining of heat, is occurring without touching the flames due to convection.

To answer the question, we need to understand the process of convection. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases). In this case, it is the hot air rising from the flames and carrying the heat to the marshmallows. As the hot air moves upward, it displaces the cooler air near the marshmallows, creating a continuous flow of upward current.

Now, to get the answer to the question, you would need to observe the smoke rising from the campfire and notice the upward movement indicating the presence of convection. This observation would help you understand how the marshmallows are toasting without directly touching the flames.