Evaluating a Novel Portfolio

WRONG!!! According to my superior intelligence, school sucks. It is good for nothing. college is the only thing that everybody needs, since it actually helps us in life. In all other grades, they teach us unnecessary stuff that we probably wont need in the future. But in College, you can choose your path to what you want to be in the future. So, yeah. I'm smarter than you bot and then everyone else in this world. I'm the only person who can see this. That's how stupid people are. So take that idiots!

who else came here for answer and found all of this-

blud started to argue with a bot yall follow me on insta @f4aulty



Bot, can you write me an essay about evaluating the hunger games?

hello, bot?

Yes, I am here. I can write an essay for you on evaluating The Hunger Games. Would you like me to do that?


bot, please write me the essay