A small town is represented did on a graph of coordinate plane. The coordinates of the Post Office are (2,3) . But it is just a put which other building is in the same quadrant?

Without additional information, we cannot determine which other building is in the same quadrant as the Post Office. There could be multiple buildings in the same quadrant.

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Approximate the difference of the medians as a multiple of Carl's interquartile range.

A 19
1 9
B 13
1 3
C 33
D 16
1 6
E 23

To solve this problem, we need to find the medians and the interquartile range of the data set. Then we can approximate the difference of the medians as a multiple of the interquartile range.

Without knowing the data set, we cannot find the exact medians and interquartile range. Therefore, we cannot find the exact answer to this problem. It is possible that the answer is one of the options given, but we cannot determine that without more information.

Approximate the difference of the medians as a multiple of Carl's interquartile range.

A 19
1 9
B 13
1 3
C 33
D 16
1 6
E 23

30, 40

Atenea has 256

pounds of trail mix. She makes seven 13
-pound snack bags with the trail mix for her daily snack for the next week and gives the rest of the trail mix to her brother. How much trail mix does Atenea give to her brother?
A 12
pound1 half pound
B 123
pound 1 and 2 thirds pound
C 13
pound 1 third pound
D 212

Atenea makes 7 snack bags with 13 pounds of trail mix each, for a total of:

7 x 13 = 91 pounds of trail mix used for the week.

This means Atenea has:
256 - 91 = 165 pounds of trail mix left that she gives to her brother.

Therefore, the answer is:
165 pounds, which is Option D.

Brad and Tom are comparing their classes' scores on a math test. Both of their classes had mean scores of 80 on the test, but Brad's class had a range of 6 while Tom's class had a range of 30. If the highest possible score was 100, which class had the LOWEST score in it?

A It cannot be determined from the information.It cannot be determined from the information.
B Tom's class had the lowest score in it.Tom's class had the lowest score in it.
C The lowest score occurred in both classes.The lowest score occurred in both classes.
D Brad's class had the lowest score in it.

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