Read each question carefully. Choose the best answer for each question or statement.

Which of the following is NOT an element of Cubist artwork?
A. realistic perspective
B. geometric shapes
C. three-dimensional views
D. value

A. realistic perspective

A. realistic perspective

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand what Cubist artwork is and identify the elements commonly found in it.

Cubism is an art movement that emerged in the early 20th century, pioneered by artists like Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. It aimed to depict objects or scenes from multiple viewpoints simultaneously, breaking them down into geometric shapes and emphasizing two-dimensional patterns instead of realistic perspective.

Now let's evaluate the options:

A. Realistic perspective: This option does not align with Cubist artwork, as it deliberately avoids realistic perspective. Therefore, this could be a potential answer.

B. Geometric shapes: Cubist art heavily relies on geometric shapes to represent objects and subjects.

C. Three-dimensional views: While Cubist art does not aim to present traditional three-dimensional views, it explores the depiction of multiple viewpoints simultaneously.

D. Value: Value refers to the range of lightness and darkness in an artwork. Cubism does employ value to create depth and contrast.

After considering all the options, we find that the answer to the question is A. Realistic perspective, as it is NOT an element of Cubist artwork.