Compare use < > or =



The use of the symbol "=" means that the expressions on both sides of it are equal. In this case, 5+(-4) is indeed equal to 14+(-7), so the symbol "=" is appropriate.

The symbol "<" means "less than", indicating that the expression on the left side is smaller than the expression on the right side. In this case, 5+(-4) is smaller than 14+(-7), since 5+(-4) = 1 and 14+(-7) = 7. Therefore, the symbol "<" is appropriate.

The symbol ">" means "greater than", indicating that the expression on the left side is larger than the expression on the right side. In this case, 5+(-4) is not larger than 14+(-7), so the symbol ">" is not appropriate.

just answer the question

Compared to the expression 14+(-7), the expression 5+(-4) is less than, indicated by the symbol "<".

is it <

Yes, the expression 5+(-4) is less than the expression 14+(-7), so the symbol "<" is appropriate in this case.

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Order the integers from least to greatest
