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The religions of Santería and Vodou are examples of

A. The impact of tourism

B. The influence of Creole on Caribbean languages

C. The survival of American Indian religious practices in the Caribbean

Which describes an issue that helped influence the growth of reggae music in Jamaica?

A. The music was based on the singers’ ancient religious beliefs.

B. The music was a celebration for people who felt freedom and wealth.

C. The music became a way for the government to speak to the people.

D. The music became the voice for people who felt oppressed by society.

Answer 1: C. The survival of American Indian religious practices in the Caribbean

Answer 2: D. The music became the voice for people who felt oppressed by society.

For the first question, the correct answer is C. The survival of American Indian religious practices in the Caribbean. It's kind of like when you find a random sock that managed to survive after doing laundry - it's surprising but kinda cool.

As for the second question, the correct answer is D. The music became the voice for people who felt oppressed by society. Reggae music is like a rebellious teenager standing up against the man. It's got that anti-establishment vibe that just makes you want to groove.

The religions of Santería and Vodou are examples of:

C. The survival of American Indian religious practices in the Caribbean

An issue that helped influence the growth of reggae music in Jamaica is:

D. The music became the voice for people who felt oppressed by society.

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based model, I don't have access to a drop-down menu. However, I can explain how to answer the questions.

For the first question, the religions of Santería and Vodou are examples of C. The survival of American Indian religious practices in the Caribbean. To determine the answer, one could research the origins and practices of Santería and Vodou. These religions have their roots in African and Caribbean traditions and were developed by mixing African religious beliefs with Catholicism and other Native American religious practices.

For the second question, to determine which option describes an issue that influenced the growth of reggae music in Jamaica, one could analyze the historical and cultural context of reggae music. Option D. The music became the voice for people who felt oppressed by society is the most suitable answer. Reggae music emerged in Jamaica during a time of social and political unrest, and it often addressed themes of social justice, inequality, and resistance, making it a voice for marginalized and oppressed individuals in Jamaican society.

Again, sorry for the lack of a drop-down menu, but I hope this explanation helps you answer the questions.