Jeremy rides his bike at a rate of 15 miles per hour. Below is a table that represents the number of hours and miles Kevin rides. Assume both bikers ride at a constant rate. Which biker rides at a greater speed? Include all of your calculations in your final answer.

Time in hours (x) Distance in miles (y)
1.5 17.25
2 23
3.5 40.25
4 46

To find Kevin's speed, we need to find the rate for each time in the table and then check if they are consistent (since they assume a constant rate). Calculate the rates using the formula rate = distance/time:

For 1.5 hours, rate = 17.25 miles ÷ 1.5 hours = 11.5 mph

For 2 hours, rate = 23 miles ÷ 2 hours = 11.5 mph

For 3.5 hours, rate = 40.25 miles ÷ 3.5 hours = 11.5 mph

For 4 hours, rate = 46 miles ÷ 4 hours = 11.5 mph

Now we can see that Kevin consistently rides at a speed of 11.5 mph. Since Jeremy rides at a rate of 15 mph, Jeremy rides at a greater speed.