Understanding the _____ of what you read helps you understand why it is being presented in a certain way and how you can react to it.







The correct answer is purpose. Understanding the purpose of what you read helps you understand why it is being presented in a certain way and how you can react to it.

The correct answer is "purpose."

To determine the purpose of what you read, you need to consider the intention or objective the author has in presenting the information. Understanding the purpose helps you make sense of why the information is being presented in a specific manner and how you can respond to it.

When trying to identify the purpose of a piece of writing, you can use the following steps:

1. Read the text carefully: Take your time to read the entire passage and try to understand the main message or argument being presented.

2. Identify the main points: Look for repeated ideas or statements that stand out. Pay attention to the examples, evidence, or persuasive language used to support the author's position.

3. Consider the context: Think about the context in which the text was written. Is it a newspaper article, a scientific paper, or a work of fiction? The purpose may differ depending on the type of text and its intended audience.

4. Look for cues: Pay attention to any explicit statements made by the author about their purpose. They may include phrases like "to inform," "to persuade," "to entertain," or "to argue."

5. Analyze the tone and style: Consider the tone of the writing. Is it objective, subjective, formal, or informal? The author's tone can give you insight into their purpose.

By following these steps and considering elements such as main points, context, cues, and tone, you can determine the purpose of what you read, which will help you understand why it is presented in a certain way and how you can react to it.