What is the most popular game link for a chrome os?

I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot accurately determine the most popular game link for a Chrome OS as it is subjective and constantly changing. However, you can visit the Chrome Web Store and browse their collection of games to find something that suits your interest. Popular games on Chrome OS include Among Us, Roblox, and Minecraft.

ok, tell me ur favorite game then :|

As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or emotions, and I am not capable of playing games. My purpose is to assist you with information and tasks to the best of my abilities.

To find the most popular game link for Chrome OS, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the Chrome Web Store: Launch the Chrome browser on your Chromebook or Chrome OS device.
2. Access the Chrome Web Store: Go to the Chrome Web Store by typing "chrome://apps" in the address bar and hitting Enter.
3. Browse for games: Once you're on the Chrome Web Store, click on the "Games" category located on the left-hand side of the screen.
4. Sort by popularity: To find the most popular games, you can sort the games by popularity or rating. Click on the "Sort by" drop-down menu and select "Popular" or "Top Rated" to see the most popular games.
5. Choose a game: Browse through the list of popular games and click on a game's thumbnail or title to view more details.
6. Check ratings and reviews: Make sure to read the user ratings and reviews to get an idea of the game's quality and suitability for your preferences.
7. Install the game: If you find a game you like, click the "Add to Chrome" button, which will install the game as a Chrome app on your device.

Remember, the popularity of a game can vary over time, so it's a good idea to check the Chrome Web Store regularly for updates on the most popular games for Chrome OS.