Which of the following established a limited self government to the Puerto Ricans by the United States?

The Foraker Act of 1900 established a limited self-government to the Puerto Ricans by the United States.

The establishment of limited self-government for Puerto Ricans by the United States was done through the enactment of the Foraker Act in 1900. This act, also known as the Organic Act of 1900, provided a civilian government for the island of Puerto Rico, which had been under U.S. control since the Spanish-American War of 1898. It established a governor and executive council appointed by the U.S. president, as well as a legislative assembly with both elected and appointed members. However, it should be noted that the Foraker Act did not grant full self-government or independence to Puerto Rico.

To determine which of the given options established a limited self-government to the Puerto Ricans by the United States, we need to examine each option and understand the historical context of Puerto Rico's relationship with the United States.

1. Foraker Act: The Foraker Act, enacted in 1900, established a civilian government in Puerto Rico under the sponsorship of the United States. This act partially granted a limited form of self-government, with Puerto Rico electing its own legislature. So, the Foraker Act can be considered as a potential answer.

2. Platt Amendment: The Platt Amendment, passed in 1901, primarily concerned the governance of Cuba rather than Puerto Rico. It imposed certain conditions on Cuba's independence from Spain while allowing the United States to intervene if necessary. Therefore, the Platt Amendment is not relevant to Puerto Rico's self-government.

3. Jones Act: The Jones Act, passed in 1917, granted United States citizenship to the Puerto Ricans and provided for a more democratic form of government on the island. This act allowed for the popular election of Puerto Rico's legislature and expanded self-government. Consequently, the Jones Act is another possible answer.

Based on the provided options, both the Foraker Act and the Jones Act established limited self-government to the Puerto Ricans. However, the Jones Act provided a more comprehensive framework for self-governance by granting citizenship.