1. Why did Rome became a republic?

1 point
The established monarchy wasn’t powerful enough.
The king's broad powers allowed him to mistreat his people.
The poor formed a rebellion against the aristocrats.
The aristocrats misused their power.
2. Which of the following measures best demonstrates the Romans’ fear of officials gaining too much powers?
1 point
tradition of the Race of Honors
use of togas
limitis on time in office
division of patricians and plebeians
3. Describe the lives of common citizens and enslaved people in Roman society. (Check two boxes for each group of people)
2 points
Lived in cramped apartments, in shabby buildings in Rome Worked Dangerous jobs in mines Servants to wealthy Romans Rented land from wealthy landowners
Common Citizens
Enslaved People
Common Citizens
Enslaved People
4. Why were tribunes of the plebs so powerful in Roman government?
1 point
They protected the name of patricians.
They judged important cases
They served as leaders in times of emergency.
They could veto any law or action of a magistrate
5. Why did Roman citizens have to pay taxes, serve in the military, and serve as jurors?
1 point
because the plebians went on strike
because it pleased their many gods
because Romans stressed civic duty
because there was a population shortage
6. What was a major difference between the lives of the wealthy and the poor in Roman society?
1 point
The wealthy were the majority while the poor were the minority
The wealthy lived in villas while the poor lived in urban areas.
The wealthy lived in urban areas while the poor owned farms.
The wealthy rented land while the poor used slave labor on their farms.
7. - Assemblies of citizens
- Citizens elect officials and pass laws.

These represent what feature of the Roman Government?
1 point
Democratic Features of the Roman Government
Dictatorial Features of the Roman Government
Weaknesses of the Early Roman Government
Powers of Consuls in the Roman Government
8. Why was Rome able to expand?
1 point
The Roman soldiers built roads and bridges
Roman military was rigid, and unflexible
Roman refused to give citizenship to loyal allies
Rome stayed isolated from other civilizations
9. How was the constitution of Rome different than the constitution of the United States?
1 point
It created three branches of government.
It granted the king absolute power
It gave plebeians most government power.
It was an unwritten constitution.
10. "I am quite certain that . . . (Rome) would never have been able to be so great had not the immortal gods been placated."

–Cicero, from The Nature of the Gods

According to Cicero, what was the reason why Rome was so great?

1 point
The government adopted Judaism.
They believed in only one god.
The government was a republic.
They had made the gods happy.
11. How did Augustus change the government of Rome?
1 point
He respected the traditions of the republic.
He allowed the citizens to hold the power.
He took away most powers of the Senate.
He made the Senate more powerful.
12. Check the box of each government power according to the branch of Roman government.
3 points
enforced the law controlled foreign policy passed the laws elected magistrates
Assemblies (check two boxes)
Assemblies (check two boxes)
13. Which male duty was seen as the most virtuous in Roman society?
1 point
continuing the family name through sons
selling any children that were seen as unfit into slavery
owning all of the family's property
allowing their wives to participate in government
14. Which was a result of Rome having a less rugged landscape than Greece?
1 point
Roman city-states grew in isolation from one another.
Rome was able to easily unify the whole Italian peninsula.
Roman soldiers could not move around easily.
Rome had to import grain from neighboring places.
15. How did the increasing power of military leaders help bring about the end of the republic?
1 point
The military leaders refused to help the poor in the cities.
The military leaders freed the slaves that worked in the mines.
The military leaders forbade the poor from serving in the military.
The military leaders began to get more loyalty from soldiers than the government did.
16. What did Julius Caesar do during the time he was in control? Select two correct answers.
1 point
He helped the poor.
He kept Rome out of wars.
He defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra
He created jobs building bridges and roads.
He set up a democratic government.
17. Short Answer Response: Answer in complete sentences.

Describe two similarities and two differences between the United States government and the Roman republic.
4 points
Your answer
18. Short Answer Response: Answer in complete sentences.

Describe two reasons why the Roman Republic fell?
4 points
Your answer
19. Short Answer Response: Answer in complete sentences.

What influence did Ancient Greece have on the Roman Republic?
4 points

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Which of the following measures best demonstrates the Romans’ fear of officials gaining too much powers?

1 point
tradition of the Race of Honors
use of togas
limitis on time in office
division of patricians and plebeians

The correct answer is: limit on time in office. This measure, known as the cursus honorum, limited the amount of time an official could hold a particular position, thus preventing any one person from accumulating too much power.

1. The reason Rome became a republic was because the established monarchy wasn't powerful enough. The king's broad powers allowed him to mistreat his people, and the poor formed a rebellion against the aristocrats, who misused their power.

2. The measure that best demonstrates the Romans' fear of officials gaining too much power is the limit on time in office. This prevented any single individual from holding power for too long.

3. The lives of common citizens in Roman society included living in cramped apartments in shabby buildings in Rome and working dangerous jobs in mines. On the other hand, enslaved people served as servants to wealthy Romans and rented land from wealthy landowners.

4. The tribunes of the plebs were powerful in Roman government because they could veto any law or action of a magistrate. This allowed them to protect the interests of the plebeians against possible abuses of power.

5. Roman citizens had to pay taxes, serve in the military, and serve as jurors because Romans stressed civic duty. It was seen as the responsibility of citizens to contribute to the well-being of the state.

6. A major difference between the lives of the wealthy and the poor in Roman society was that the wealthy lived in villas while the poor lived in urban areas. The wealthy also rented land, while the poor used slave labor on their farms.

7. Assemblies of citizens and the ability to elect officials and pass laws represent the democratic features of the Roman government.

8. Rome was able to expand because the Roman soldiers built roads and bridges, allowing for easier transportation and communication. Additionally, Rome had a rigid and flexible military that could conquer and maintain control over new territories.

9. The constitution of Rome was different from the constitution of the United States in that it was an unwritten constitution. It did not have a formal document like the U.S. Constitution, but it still established a system of government and laws.

10. According to Cicero, the reason why Rome was so great was because they had made the gods happy. The belief in and worship of the gods was an important aspect of Roman culture and society.

11. Augustus changed the government of Rome by respecting the traditions of the republic and allowing the citizens to hold the power. He did not take away most powers of the Senate but instead made the Senate more powerful.

12. Assemblies enforced the law and elected magistrates, while the Senate controlled foreign policy and passed laws.

13. In Roman society, continuing the family name through sons was seen as the most virtuous male duty. This ensured the continuation of the family line and was highly valued.

14. As a result of Rome having a less rugged landscape than Greece, Roman city-states were able to easily unify the whole Italian peninsula. Rome did not grow in isolation from one another, and Roman soldiers could move around easily. Additionally, Rome did not have to import grain from neighboring places.

15. The increasing power of military leaders helped bring about the end of the republic because these leaders began to get more loyalty from soldiers than the government did. This weakened the authority of the government and led to a shift in power.

16. During the time he was in control, Julius Caesar helped the poor and created jobs building bridges and roads. However, he did not keep Rome out of wars and did not defeat Mark Antony and Cleopatra. He did set up a democratic government, but he also consolidated power for himself.

17. Two similarities between the United States government and the Roman republic are that both had a system of separation of powers with different branches of government, and both granted certain rights and protections to their citizens. Two differences are that the United States government has a written constitution, while Rome's constitution was unwritten, and the United States has a democratic system with elections, while Rome had a republican system of government.

18. Two reasons why the Roman Republic fell are internal political corruption and instability, which led to the rise of military leaders and civil wars, and external invasions and pressure from barbarian tribes, which weakened the empire and made it vulnerable to collapse.

19. Ancient Greece had a significant influence on the Roman Republic in terms of culture, philosophy, and political ideas. The Romans adopted and adapted many aspects of Greek culture, including literature, art, architecture, and philosophy. Greek political ideas, such as democracy and the concept of citizenship, also influenced the development of the Roman Republic's government and laws.

Your answer



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