Congress passed the Dawes Act in 1887, hoping that Native Americans would ...

A. stop raiding white settlements.
B. adopt white ways and become farmers.
C. start paying taxes.
D. become American citizens.

B. adopt white ways and become farmers.

The Dawes Act, passed in 1887, aimed to accomplish B. adopt white ways and become farmers. The Act authorized the federal government to divide Native American reservation lands into smaller plots and allocate them to individual Native Americans. This was done with the intention of encouraging Native Americans to assimilate into mainstream American society by adopting Western farming practices and individual land ownership.

To determine the answer to this question, we will need to understand the purpose of the Dawes Act passed by Congress in 1887.

The Dawes Act, also known as the General Allotment Act, sought to address Native American tribes' ownership of land in the United States. Its primary goal was to assimilate Native Americans into American society by encouraging them to adopt the Euro-American model of farming and land ownership.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the options provided:

A. Stop raiding white settlements: While there were instances of conflicts between Native Americans and white settlers, the Dawes Act was primarily focused on land ownership, not addressing raiding issues directly. Therefore, option A is not accurate.

B. Adopt white ways and become farmers: This option aligns with the main objective of the Dawes Act. The Act aimed to break up tribal lands and allocate individual plots to Native Americans. By encouraging them to adopt the lifestyle of white farmers, it was assumed that Native Americans would assimilate into American culture. Therefore, option B is the most likely answer.

C. Start paying taxes: While the Dawes Act did introduce provisions related to taxation, such as taxing Native American land, it was not the primary purpose of the Act. Therefore, option C is not the primary objective of the Dawes Act.

D. Become American citizens: While the Dawes Act aimed to assimilate Native Americans into American society, it did not explicitly grant them citizenship. Native Americans were only granted American citizenship in 1924 through the Indian Citizenship Act. Therefore, option D is not accurate.

In conclusion, the most accurate answer is B. The Dawes Act hoped that Native Americans would adopt white ways and become farmers.