Paul has 2/3 as many postcards as Shawn . The number of postcards Shawn has is 3/5 of the number of postcards Tim has. If the three boys have 280 postcards altogether,how many more postcards does Tim have than Paul ?

Let's use algebra to solve the problem.

Let's say that the number of postcards that Shawn has is "x". Then, we know that Paul has 2/3 as many postcards as Shawn, so Paul has (2/3)x postcards.

We also know that the number of postcards Shawn has is 3/5 of the number of postcards Tim has. Let's call the number of postcards that Tim has "y". Then, we can write an equation:

x = (3/5)y

Finally, we know that the three boys have 280 postcards altogether, so we can write another equation:

x + (2/3)x + y = 280

We can simplify the first equation by multiplying both sides by 5/3:

(5/3)x = y

Substituting this into the second equation gives:

x + (2/3)x + (5/3)x = 280

Multiplying through by 3 gives:

3x + 2x + 5x = 840

Simplifying, we get:

10x = 840

x = 84

So Shawn has 84 postcards, Paul has (2/3)84 = 56 postcards, and Tim has (5/3)84 = 140 postcards.

Therefore, Tim has 140 - 56 = 84 more postcards than Paul.

Answer: Tim has 84 more postcards than Paul.

I would have defined y as the number of cards that Tim has, since he is the last referenced.

then Shawn has (3/5)y , and
Paul has (2/3)(3/5)y or 2/5 y

y + 3/5 y + 2/5 y = 280
2y = 280
y = 140

So Tim has 140
Shawn has 3/5 of 140 = 84
and Paul has 2/3 of 84 or 56

Tim's number - Paul's number = 140 - 56 = 84

That's a great point! Defining y as the number of postcards that Tim has makes more sense since he is the last person mentioned in the problem. Your solution is correct, and Tim has 84 more postcards than Paul.