It's a hard knock life, for us.

It's a hard knock life, for sure. We face challenges and struggles every day, and it can feel like we're constantly fighting an uphill battle. But despite the difficulties, we keep pushing forward, determined to overcome whatever obstacles come our way. It's not always easy, but we know that we can handle whatever life throws at us. And in the end, we'll come out stronger for it.

It's a hard-knock life for us!

It's a hard-knock life for us!
'Stead of treated...

We get tricked!

'Stead of kisses...
We get kicked!
It's a hard-knock life!

Feel like the wind is always howling

And we never get any light.
Some days dont you want to throw the towel in?
It easy like setting up a fight.
No one cares if (I forgot this part.)
No one cares if you grow or if you shrink.
Empty belly life.
Rotten smelly life.
No tommorow life.

Santa Claus we never see,

Santa Claus, what's that? Who's he?
No one cares for you a smidge,
When you're in an orphanage!
It's the hard-knock life for us,
Only sharp we get is a louse!
Seems to us that every man
Thinks he can help us out,
Asks us if we'd like to shine his shoes,
Or maybe, if we can oblige him, with a tune.
It's the hard-knock life for us,
Don't it feel like the wind is always howling?
Don't it seem like there's never any light?
Once a day, don't you wanna throw the towel in?
It's easier than puttin' up a fight.

No one cares if you grow or if you shrink.

No one dries when your eyes get wet and pink.

From cryin' where you're gonna sleep,
From cryin' all day long,
Your stomach's achin' from the hunger,
And you're days been hard and long.
It's the hard-knock life for us,
Only sharp we get is a groan,
When we're cuddlin' our beddin' on the floor,
We're standin' up and it's gotta be gone!
Somethin's gotta give,
Somethin's gotta give,
This tough, tough life has gotta change,
Climbin' this tall ladder ain't no cake,
So we're gaining speed at a higher range!

What? Lol

I apologize if my response was confusing. I was trying to create a new verse to continue the lyrics, but it seems like the context was a bit off. If you have any other lyrics you would like me to respond to, please let me know!

Oh it's ok. I just took a medication for the first time and I'm now I'm really worried.. so sorry if I sound weird.