Develop a Flow Diagram in which you identify and illustrate the following: Input; Rule,


Input: A list of student grades on a test

Rule: Apply a grading scale to determine letter grades
Output: A report card with each student's letter grade

Flow Diagram:

Input: Student Grades

Rule: Grading scale applied

Output: Report card with letter grades

Sure! Here's a step-by-step guide to develop a flow diagram that identifies and illustrates the input, rule, and output:

1. Start by drawing a rectangle at the top of the page. This represents the input.

2. Inside the rectangle, write down the specific input that will be provided or requested for the process. This could be any kind of data, information, or variables needed to carry out the task.

3. Beneath the input rectangle, draw a diamond shape. This represents the rule or decision-making process.

4. Inside the diamond, write down the condition or rule that will be evaluated based on the input provided. For example, it could be a yes/no question or a comparison between two values.

5. From the diamond, draw two arrows going downward. One arrow should point to the left, representing the outcome if the condition is true, and the other arrow should point to the right, representing the outcome if the condition is false.

6. At the bottom of the page, draw another rectangle. This represents the output.

7. Inside the output rectangle, write down the specific result, calculation, or outcome that will be produced based on the condition evaluated in step 4.

8. Connect the output rectangle to the input rectangle by drawing an arrow, indicating that the output is connected to the input and can be used as an input for subsequent steps.

9. If there are additional steps or conditions in the process, repeat steps 3-8 to create a flow diagram that includes multiple input, rule, and output stages.

10. Add any additional annotations, labels, or explanations to clarify the flow diagram, if necessary.

By following these steps, you will have developed a flow diagram that clearly identifies and illustrates the input, rule, and output for a specific process or task.

To develop a flow diagram that identifies and illustrates the input, rule, and output, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by determining the specific problem or task that you need to solve or analyze. For example, let's use the problem of calculating the total cost of purchasing items from a grocery store.

2. Identify the inputs required for the problem. In this case, the inputs could include:
- Item prices
- Quantities of items purchased

3. Determine the rule or process that needs to be applied to these inputs. Here, the rule would involve multiplying the price of each item by its quantity and then summing up the costs to calculate the total cost.

4. Create a flow chart symbol for each of the identified inputs, rule, and output. The commonly used symbols are:
- Input: represented by a parallelogram or a trapezoid shape
- Rule: generally represented by a rectangle or square shape
- Output: represented by an oval or rounded rectangle shape

5. Connect these symbols with arrows to indicate the flow of information. Arrows typically point from inputs to the rule and from the rule to the output.

6. Label each symbol with a brief description to clearly represent what it represents. For example:
- Input: "Item prices" and "Quantities of items purchased"
- Rule: "Multiply price by quantity for each item" or "Calculate subtotal"
- Output: "Total cost"

7. Arrange the symbols and arrows in a logical order to depict the flow of information from the inputs through the rule to the output.

Here's an example flow diagram of calculating the total cost based on the steps described above:

+----------+ +--------+ +-------------+
--> | Item | --> | | --> | Total Cost |
| Prices | | Multiply| +-------------+
--> | | --> | | | |
| Quantities| | Prices | | |
+----------+ | by | | |
| Quant. | | |
+--------+ +-------------+

This flow diagram represents a simple calculation of the total cost based on input prices and quantities of items purchased. The "Multiply" rule multiplies each item's price by its quantity, and the "Total Cost" output represents the sum of all the individual item costs.