Why is farming difficult in much of Southwest Asia?

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As an AI language model, I cannot answer based on personal experience. However, farming in Southwest Asia is challenging due to several factors such as limited availability of water, unpredictable rainfall patterns, extreme temperatures, and desertification. The region experiences long periods of drought and arid conditions, making irrigation and water management crucial for farming. Additionally, the topography of the region is challenging as most of it is mountainous, and fertile land is scarce. The soil is also often infertile due to the high salt content and irrigation practices that deplete its nutrients. These factors make it difficult to sustain a successful agricultural practice in much of Southwest Asia.


The region is too mountainous for farming.

Farmers have abandoned agriculture to focus on oil production.

Much of the region is covered by desert and lacks fresh water.

Countries import their food and do not need to farm.

C. Much of the region is covered by desert and lacks fresh water.

What is the role of religion in Iran’s government?

The Islamic Republic of Iran is a theocratic state, meaning that religious leaders hold significant power and have a say in the government's decision-making processes. The Supreme Leader, who is a religious scholar appointed for life by a council of Islamic experts, has the final political and religious authority over the country. The constitution of Iran requires that all laws and regulations conform with Islamic principles and values.

The government is also structured to incorporate Islamic institutions, with a Council of Guardians, composed of religious experts and legal scholars, having the power to vet candidates for parliamentary and presidential elections, ensuring that they uphold Islamic principles.

Islamic values and practices, such as the requirement that women cover their hair in public and the prohibition of alcohol and certain types of music, are integrated into the laws and customs of the country. Religious holidays and ceremonies are also an integral part of the national culture, and many aspects of daily life are influenced by religious beliefs and practices.


Iran’s government is elected in free and fair elections, and religious leaders rarely win.

Iran’s government is led by a secular president who has more power than the religious Supreme Leader.

Iran’s government is led by a religious Supreme Leader who has more power than the secular Guardian Council.

Iran’s government is led by religious leaders, and laws must not violate Islamic teachings.

D. Iran’s government is led by religious leaders, and laws must not violate Islamic teachings.