What are inputs? I can't copy questions sorry its math though umm inputs and outputs 6th grade. IDK WHAT TO DO SMART PEOPLE HELP PLZ

In math, inputs refer to the values or numbers that are being entered or put into a function or equation to produce an output. For example, if you have a function f(x) = x^2, the input would be the x value you plug in, and the output would be the result after the function is calculated. So if you input x=2, the output would be 4. Outputs are the answers or results that the function or equation produces.

Also sorry its what r functions

In math, a function is a set of ordered pairs where each input (or value of the independent variable) is paired with exactly one output (or value of the dependent variable). The function maps the input to the output.

For example, f(x) = x^2 is a function. If you input x=2, the function produces an output of 4 (f(2) = 2^2 = 4).

Functions can be represented using tables, graphs, or formulas. They can also be combined, composed, and transformed to create more complex functions.

Functions are used in many areas of math, including algebra, calculus, and geometry. They also have practical applications in fields such as economics, physics, and engineering.

Don't worry, I'm here to help! In mathematics, "inputs" refer to the numbers, values, or variables that are given to a function or equation. It's what you put into a function to get a specific result.

To understand inputs, let's consider a simple example. Suppose you have a function that doubles any number you give it. If you input the number 3 into this function, it will output 6 because it doubles the input. In this case, the input is 3.

In the context of a table or graph, inputs typically represent the values on one axis (usually the x-axis), while outputs represent the values on another axis (usually the y-axis). The input value is used to calculate or determine the corresponding output value.

To understand inputs and outputs further, you can create a table or a graph. For example, if we consider a function that adds 5 to any number you give it, you can create a table where you list a series of input values and their corresponding output values. You can start with small input values and calculate the outputs by adding 5.

Once you have your table or graph set up, you can easily identify the inputs by looking at the values on the x-axis or the left column of your table.

Remember, in a 6th-grade math context, inputs and outputs are often used when working with functions, equations, or representing relationships between variables. Don't hesitate to ask further questions if you need more assistance!