Unit 4 lesson 4 bar graphs and line graphs quick check.

1. Which type of data displayed is most appropriate to display the data below.?
• box and whisker plot
• double bar graph
• line graph
• line plot
Please help I know you can’t see the data but maybe y’all have done it before and got the answers. Plz

provide the data for me to determine the appropriate graph type.

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The most appropriate graph type to display this data is a double bar graph.

To determine which type of data display is most appropriate, you need to consider the type and nature of the data you have.

- A box and whisker plot is used to display the distribution of quantitative data.
- A double bar graph is used to compare two sets of data using bars.
- A line graph is used to show the relationship between two variables over a continuous interval.
- A line plot is used to display the frequency or count of individual data points.

Without the specific data you are trying to display, it is challenging to determine the most appropriate type of data display. However, if you have data that shows the relationship between two variables over a continuous interval, a line graph would be the most suitable choice.