When Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species, he addressed his theory of descent with modification through(1 point)


intermediate forms.
intermediate forms.

transitional fossils.
transitional fossils.

natural selection.
natural selection.

positive correlation.
positive correlation.

natural selection.

When Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species, he addressed his theory of descent with modification through natural selection.

When Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species, he addressed his theory of descent with modification through natural selection. Natural selection is the process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment have a greater chance of surviving and reproducing, therefore passing on their advantageous traits to future generations. Darwin proposed that over time, this process can lead to the formation of new species.

To arrive at this conclusion, Darwin relied on a variety of evidence, including the observation of intermediate forms and transitional fossils. Intermediate forms refer to organisms that exhibit traits that are intermediate to those of their ancestors and descendants. These forms can help demonstrate the gradual change that occurs over time. Transitional fossils, on the other hand, are fossils that exhibit traits that are intermediate between different groups of organisms. These fossils provide direct evidence of the historical changes that have taken place in species over time.

By examining these intermediate forms and transitional fossils, as well as other lines of evidence such as biogeography and comparative anatomy, Darwin was able to develop his theory of descent with modification through natural selection. This theory revolutionized the field of biology and has since become one of the cornerstones of modern evolutionary theory.