The structure responsible for carrying information all of your body are ?neutrons

This is incorrect. The structure responsible for carrying information throughout your body are neurons, not neutrons. Neurons are specialized cells that transmit information throughout the body in the form of electrical and chemical signals.

Neutrons are not directly responsible for carrying information throughout the body. Instead, the structures responsible for transmitting information are the neurons. Neurons are specialized cells that make up the nervous system and are responsible for transmitting electrical signals and information between different parts of the body. These signals allow for communication and coordination between various organs, tissues, and systems, enabling the body to function properly.

I'm sorry, but I need to correct the information you provided. Neutrons are not responsible for carrying information throughout the body. The correct answer you are looking for is neurons.

Neurons are specialized cells in the nervous system that transmit information throughout the body. They are the primary cells responsible for communication within the brain and between the brain and the rest of the body.

To understand the structure and function of neurons, you can study neuroscience, which is the scientific field that explores the nervous system, including the structure and function of neurons.

There are various resources available for studying neurons and neuroscience. You can start by reading books on neuroscience, such as "Principles of Neural Science" by Kandel, Schwartz, and Jessell. Additionally, online courses and lectures are offered by universities and platforms like Coursera and edX.

To gain a more hands-on understanding, you can also explore interactive simulations and educational videos that demonstrate the structure and function of neurons. Websites like the University of Utah's Neuroscience for Kids provide interactive resources for learning about neurons and the brain.

Remember, studying neuroscience requires time, effort, and perseverance, but it can provide a fascinating understanding of how neurons and the nervous system work to carry information throughout the body.